Monday, March 14, 2011

Clarisonic Brush

Hey guys! I feel like I haven't been on my blog for months. I wish I had an excuse as to why I haven't been posting weekly, but my only excuse is laziness.. No worries though; spring break is here, and I will be posting everyday (until school starts again next week..).
A few posts back (can't remember which one exactly), I mentioned the Clarisonic Brush and how I would be posting something soon about it. It's just going to be my review on it and why I think it's worth it. If you haven't purchased one yet, I suggest you invest towards one because it is simply amazing.

If you go on Clarisonic's website, they list a few benefits that come from using the brush

  • Removes 6X more makeup than manual cleansing
  • Leaves skin feeling and looking smoother
  • Cleansing helps products work more effectively
  • Gentle enough to use twice a day
  • Reduces oily areas, dry skin patches and blemishes
  • Minimizes the appearance of visible pores
It's not surprising to read this, because it seems like every single skin product promises to work better than their competitors. I have tried different products, and I can assure you that this is the best brush I have come across. I started using it about two years ago, and I honestly can see and feel a difference in my face. Before, I had a super oily face with multiple bumps and pimples here and there. Now, how often I washed my pillowcase/bedspread and what facial cleansers I used also plays a part as well, but I can still see and feel a difference. After using the brush, I LOVE applying toner and moisturizer on my face, because it's so soft and smooth! :) I find that the moisturizer and makeup apply smoothly, and it gives my face a brighter appearance. I have a problem with blackheads and oily skin. Of course I can't completely get rid of my blackheads because it's hereditary and I still have oily skin, but I notice my blackheads don't stand out as much as they used to. You can still see it and it's still there, but it wasn't like BAM LOOK AT THE QUANTITY AND DARKNESS like how it used to be. My face is still oily, but it's not as oily as before. I've never had much of a problem with acne and used to have about 4 on my face at the most, but now it's 2 (and that's on a rare occasion!). I can't promise you that you won't get a pimple, because pimples are normal, but I can tell you that you will notice a decrease. Pimples are dirt and bacteria coming out of the skin that have been living underneath it for a few days/weeks. With the Clarisonic, your facial cleanser is working deep into the skin and knocks out all of those bacteria.

The only con I can think about is the pimples that you will be getting the first few weeks you use it. If you're prone to pimples and breakouts, expect your face to look like a pepperoni pizza for the few weeks. This doesn't mean that the product isn't working or it's too harsh; it's the brush getting down to work to remove all of the buried impurities in your skin. The only way for it to get out is to come out! So I'd say you'll have acne for about 2-4 weeks, but then it gets so much better afterwards. Your skin will be a lot smoother, brighter, cleaner, and vibrant. :) I would rather suffer for a few weeks than use my hands and nothing changes. Even if you don't have skin problems, why wouldn't you want this? It removes the bacteria that your hands can't remove.
I was one of the bridesmaid of a wedding back in October, and the makeup artist applied crap loads of makeup on my face to last the whole day and look to great in photos. Using the Clarisonic brush completely removed all of the makeup (you could see all of the foundation and blush on the brush..yuck!) and left no residue on my face.
I highly highly HIGHLY recommend buying one! It is SO worth it, and it's gentle but effective enough to use everyday. If your problem is acne or pimples, I am 99.9% positive that this will diminish your problem greatly. Take steps to prevent dirt and bacteria from getting on your face.

  1. Wash your pillowcases every 3-7 days. Oils from your hair and face (maybe even mouth if you drool) reside in the pillow. You're putting your face on that every night. Buy separate pillow cases to use when it's time to change, and alternate the days!
  3. Use an effective facial cleanser. I recommend using organic products simply because they don't have harmful chemicals that can irritate your face, and it's doing better for your skin and environment. 
  4. Drink A LOT of water and eat healthy. I know you hear that everywhere, but it makes a great change in your diet, mood, and appearance. Eating and drinking right flushes out all of the impurities that reside in your skin and body.
To learn exactly how the Clarisonic brush works, check out this video :)

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