Saturday, January 15, 2011

Secrets to Getting Gorgeous Hair

The secrets to getting gorgeous hair is simple actually. It's just a few things you may have to change in your beauty routine, but the end results are worth it! All throughout middle school, I never experienced a good hair day. In sixth grade, my chin length wavy hair was a mess in my face. The top of my hair was practically glued down to my scalp as I would plop a handful amount of gel and push hard. I hated the frizz, and this was how it went away for me. That is, until thirty minutes passed and I had to reapply. In seventh grade, I discovered an amazing tool called a flat iron. Once discovered, I abused it. Every morning and every night, my hair was pin straight and down. Eventually, my hair became dry and damaged and the frizz got worse. In eighth grade, I continued to do this until my mom took me to a salon to get the japanese hair straightening system. In addition to that, I took a daring move to cut off three inches of my hair and get blunt bangs. Biggest mistake. The Japanese hair straightening was amazing; I couldn't stop running my fingers through my hair. But the thing is, for three 3 days you can't wash your hair and for a week, you can't put any clips or bands in. I applaud my former 13 year old self for taking such a bold step, but the bangs did not do justice to my face.
It was the summer going into high school when I discovered these beauty tips and started following them. The Japanese hair straightening has completely grown out, my hair is no longer frizzy, there's a shine to it, and my hair is healthy with no dry ends. :)
  • Wash your hair every 2-3 days. It may sound gross, but it's actually healthier for your hair. Washing it everyday only dries it out, which makes it harder to style.
  • Switch to an organic shampoo. What most people don't know is by using non-organic shampoo, it's bad for your hair and skin. 90% of regular brands are filled with synthetic materials, harmful chemical, and pesticides. Not only is this damaging to the hair (the chemical dries out the scalp and hair; making it weak and brittle) but it's also bad for the environment and your body. The skin is an organ, and it absorbs things. You wouldn't want pesticides flowing through your veins would you? Besides that, organic shampoos have natural oils which give you shine and help your hair grow. The packaging is biodegradable, and the smells are refreshing. Sure you're spending a couple of more bucks, but the results are definitely worth it
  • Use conditioner everyday and a deep hydrating masque 1-2 a week.
  • Cut off all dead ends. It may be a lot, but it's the most important step in getting smooth, silky hair. No matter how long your hair gets, the ends will always be dry and rough because you never cut it off. It's disappointing to run your hands through somebody's beautiful, smooth hair only to get surprised when you greet rough ends.
  • Get trims every 6-8 weeks to keep the dead ends off and speed up the process of hair growing.
  • Let your hair air dry. Only blow-dry if absolutely necessary.
  • Don't use heating tools everyday! There are plenty of cute hairstyles that you can do without frying up your hair. Save your irons and rollers for special occasions or date night! 
  • After showering, place in a serum or leave in conditioner that hydrates and protects hair.
  • When using heating tools, ALWAYS use a heat protecting spray! I can not stress to you how important this is. Flat ironing your hair is damaging already; help lessen it by spraying sparingly.
  • Don't smoke, take drugs, or drink. It doesn't only affect the insides of your body, but also the skin, face, and hair. 
  • Brush your hair before taking a shower. It helps get some of the dirt out, and your hair won't be knotted up when you're shampooing your hair. 
  • When using conditioner, gather your hair into a low ponytail and apply conditioner to the ends. Never apply at the scalp; it weighs down your hair and makes it greasy!
  • Get your boyfriend to massage your scalp. Or do it yourself! It improves the circulation and helps your hair grow longer faster.
  • Wet, wash, and rinse hair with warm water for shampoo and rinse out conditioner with cold water. The warm water opens up the follicles to get all of the dirt out, and cold water seals the cuticles for better styling. 
  • COMB don't brush your hair when it's wet! Brushing it only stretches out the hair and damages it. Wet hair is weak and vulnerable. Gently run a wide-toothed comb instead. 
  • Eat right. When you eat nothing but junk, it shows on your skin (breakouts, oily face, dullness) and face. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables!
  • Exercise and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. I know you always hear this, but you would be surprised at what it does to your body, skin, hair, and overall attitude!
  •   Embrace your natural hair. Not everybody has those gorgeous tight curls or your smooth straight hair. Love your hair, and it will love you!
Au revoir!

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